Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Hemat Energi

Emma Muthmainnah

Hemat Energi

Kalau mengira hemat energy itu harus ribet dan banyak yang harus dilakukan, coba deh piker lagi. Banyak kok cara mudah dan sederhana yang dapat kita lakukan sehari-hari.
Simak yah langkah sederhana yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk menghemat penggunaan energi dirumah.
  • Biasakan bersihkan saringan udara yang terdapat di berbagai perlengkapan rumah tangga, seperti AC dan vacum cleaner, setiap dua atau tiga bulan sekali. Saluran udara yang kotor akan semakin meningkatkan penggunaan energy selama perlengkapan tersebut dinyalakan.
  • Pastikan setiap kali kita menutup kulkas, pintunya tertutup rapat. Pintu kulkas yang terbuka akan semakin menyerap penggunaan energy karena kulkas perlu energy lebih banyak untuk bisa tetap bekerja.
  • Ketika akan menggunakan mesin cuci, pastikan kapasitas tabung yang digunakan sudah penuh baru kita mulai mencuci. Tabung yang berisi sedikit baju memerlukan energy yang sama dengan tabung yang penuh. Untuk enjemur, gunakan juga jemuran tradisional daripada fitur pengering di mesin cuci karena jauh lebih hemat energi.
  • Cabut selalu colokan-colokan yang sedang tidak kita gunakan, termasuk juga charger ponsel. Membiarkan kabel masih dalam keadaan terpasang., tetap menghabiskan energy. Supaya mempermudah, kita bisa bisa menggunakan colokan dengan ombol berwarna yang tinggal dipencet untuk menghentikan aliran energy listrik ke kabel.
  • Pastikan kita menggunakan fitur sleep mode atau hibernate pada perangkat computer. Jadi, ketika sedang tidak digunakan, tidak ada energy listrik yang terbuang sia-sia. Kita bisa menghemat energy hingga 15 persen dengan melakukan hal ini.
  • Mengganti semua bola lampu biasa dengan lampu CFL yang hemat energy dari bohlam tradisional dan bertahan samapai 10 kali lebih lama.
  • Jangan lupa menggunakan tutup panci ketika kita sedang merebus masakan. Tutup panci sangat membantu terbuangnya banyak energy panas secara sia-sia.

Conclusion : Many ways we can do to save energy, it is so easy. We can do all of the above ways, such as turn off the lights or electrical appliances when not in use anymore. We should preserve nature !

Sumber : Koran Republika

Wonderful Places Around The World

Emma Muthmainnah 

Wonderful Places Around The World

People say that life is too short to know only one place. If you believe in that statement and traveling is your hobby, you should put these five place below on your must-visit list. Check them out!

1.        Grand Canyon
If you have an opportunity to visit the United States, don’t forget to put Grand Canyon on your list! This steep gorge, which stretches along 277 miles in Arizona, has splendid scenery.  The Canyon, which looks more beautiful in winter, attracts more than five million visitors a year. This Canyon was accepted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site on 24 October 1979.

2.        Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu is an ancient site located on a mountain ride above the Urubamba valley in Peru. It wa built around 1450 and was a symbol of the Inca Empire. Machu Picchu looks like a labyrinth if we see it from above. Intihuatana, the temple of the sun, and the room of the three windows are its three primary constructions consisting of temples, baths, and about 150 houses within. In 1983 Machu Picchu was designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

3.        Petra
Going to Jordan seems incomplete without visiting Petra, a word taken from Greek, means rock in English. The place was built in the 6th century BC. This archeological site looks unique because of its rock-cut architecture. Petra is the heritance of the Nabataeans, an industrious Arab people who once settled in southern Jordan. This site has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.

4.        Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat is one of the regencies in West Papua with more than 600 islands. Several islands inhabited by people are Misool, Salawati, Batanta, and Waigeo. This area covers almost 10 million hectares and is surrounded by attractive sceneries on land, water, and under water.  But most tourist visit Raja Ampat to see its underwater paradise. Divers will see about 1,104 species of fish, 669 species of mullusks, and 537 species of corals. No wonder  time magazine stated that Raja Ampat has the world’s greatest diversity on marine life, while CNN picked Raja Ampat as Marine Tourism Best in the world.

5.        Iguazu Falls
Located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, the waterfalls divide the Iguazu River into the upper and lower parts. Normally, the falls spill about 1,000 cubic of water per second. Iguazu waterfalls are shared by the Iguazu National Park (Argentina) and Iguacu National Park (Brazil). The two parks were designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1984 and 1987. The falls, which were said to be more natural than one of its rivals, Niagara Falls, were also stated as the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.

Conclusion :
We must know about wonderful places around the world. If you like traveling you should put five places, such as Grand Canyon, Machu Picchu, Petra, Raja Ampat and Iguazu Falls on your visit list because these five places different from other tourist spots and so beautiful view. 

sumber : C'nS magazine hal.23


Emma Muthmainnah